Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Brandon's 1st few days of Easter Seals School

Brandon had a rough start to school. The 1st day ( Sept 8) he was awake at 0400 ( & of course , so was I). By the time, I needed to get him in the car for school, he was falling asleep. We got down to the school and James and I took him in the building. His tutor, Sarah, was waiting for him. He didn't cry until I tried to leave. Then he was sobbing, mama, mama.. It didn't bother me. Though it made the other mommies in the room cry... guess I am somewhat used to it.. though I do feel bad for other people taking care of him when he is so upset. He had a rough day, he slept most of the day. I'm sure being up so early didn't help, one bit.

After discussing the day, with his speech therapist.. she said that it will take him 1 week to get used to his new schedule and school. She is certain that he will be very happy and progress nicely at the school.

Fast forward to today, Wednesday, 10th. he had a great day, no crying at drop off and happy when I picked him up!!! Also, he is on a video clip from the Monday night news. .discussing the new school. Very cool!

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